Friday, December 04, 2015

3178 - More t-shirts

Like I said yesterday, it's a catalog I haven't seen before.

Adulting can get tiring ...

I thought of Andrea first thing when I saw this...

If you divide by zero, you're done!

A variation on the two types of binary people...

The only thing wrong with this t-shirt is that it gets right to the point.



John A Hill said...

Great t-shirts

But I often wonder--how many people actually order them?
I've seen those catalogs, laughed at the t-shirt slogans, even thought of people that would be perfect for some of them -- but never once bought a t-shirt from a catalog.
Actually, I don't think I've ever bought a t-shirt for its saying.

Linda Kay said...

Lots of fun on these. I need to find one for hubby for Christmas.

Mike said...

John - I've got several that other people bought for me.