Monday, December 07, 2015

3181 - Signs

I was looking for something to post today and realized I'd gathered enough signs to do one.

I think I've posted this first one before. But I like it. It's direct and to the point.

This sign changed itself when it lost most of its G. But it's still correct.

What are they saying? That the busses carry dirty little rats?

There should be more of these signs.

Great graffiti. 

And for those interested, yes, the sarcasm society is on facebook too.

And also too, as I set the schedule, I noticed it was Dec 7th. Should we start calling it 12-7 like we do 9-11? 74 years. Did I do the math right?


Linda Kay said...

Sarcasm society...I know a few people who could be members. Love the sign at the handicap parkin'.

Cherdo said...

Ha ha ha ha...the first one is great and the last one made me laugh out loud.

Bilbo said...

"Stupidity is not a disability." Good to know that Mr Trump cannot use the space.