Tuesday, December 15, 2015

3189 - The puzzle

Well did you solve the puzzle yesterday? If you did the CIA would like to interview you. I'm not sure just how hard it is because I haven't gotten around to it yet. When I get one I'll be set.

OK, now that I have a round tuit I've found a solution. Was it hard? Not at all. All I had to do was wonder if someone else had solved it and posted it on the internet. WELL OF COURSE THEY DID!

Look! It's not a Christmas message at all yet. It's just a QR code. So what to do now. If I had a smartphone I could scan the QR code and see where it sent me on the internet.

Since my phone is dumb, I have to think of something else. I wonder if there is a QR code reader for windows. OF COURSE THERE IS! A company called CodeTwo has a free QR code reader.

So I download it, set it up, tell it 'here's the file', and.... it won't read it. So maybe someone with a smartphone can read this QR code and let us know where the puzzle leads to next.


Mike said...

Here's the link http://www.gchq.gov.uk/puzz/Pages/index.aspx

Mike said...

OK, more research has lead me to the conclusion that this will take up way way way too much time. By doing some more internet searching I've found out that there are 5 levels to solve. and they get harder and harder. If you are interested you can follow the progress of dedicated puzzle solvers here - https://www.reddit.com/r/puzzles/comments/3w6ja9/gchqs_christmas_puzzler_thread_spoilers_tagged/

eViL pOp TaRt said...

I wondered about both of them. Yesterday's
one was too complex for me.