Thursday, February 04, 2016

3250 - Pow pow pow

If you need a reason to shoot somebody and can't come up with a reason off the cuff, here are some that have been used last month. Give 'em a try!


Bilbo said...

According to the NRA, they're just exercising their Second Amendment right to shoot people. What's the issue?

John A Hill said...


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Oh my God!

Big Sky Heidi said...

That's a list of depressing reasons.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

my goodness these made me laugh because I assumed them to be a joke. I showed this to my hubby and he said, "You think this is funny?" So apparently it's for real and then NO it's not. I don't own a gun because I'd use it. So it's best I don't have one. :-)

Anemone said...

Dumb reasons all; and then to live with the consequences!

allenwoodhaven said...

For every genius and wise man/woman there is a corresponding idiot to maintain balance in the universe. Were it not true....