Friday, October 07, 2016

3468 - Tools

Here's an article from Popular Mechanics about 50 tools everyone should own. I assume they're talking about everyone guys. I don't know if the gals out there would be interested in some of these tools.

The first picture in the article has two tools. A sixteen and an eight pound sledge hammer. I have a sixteen and an equivalent of an eight. That said I have 49 of the 50 tools. The one thing I don't have?

A bow saw. I don't have one of these. I think I may have to buy one just to complete the set that's in the article. Go HERE to see the rest.


John A Hill said...

I'm not much of a handyman or do it yourself kind of guy but have 41 of them.

Linda Kay said...

My hubby even has duplicates of some of those 50 tools, and definitely has a bow saw, that hangs on the all and never used.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

I managed to have 15 of them. :-(

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

32 of them. It works for me/

allenwoodhaven said...

Ah, tools! I used to have most of them, missing things like the circular saw. I still have many and have multiples of the basics. Just needed a sledge the other day and was glad I still had one.

Bilbo said...

I'm the world's most inept handyman, but I still have 40 of those tools. Whether or not I can find some of them when needed is another story.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

all of these are in my garage and 100's more. why he needs that many is beyond me. Sadly I have a few of my own Mike and my own pink toolbelt.