Sunday, October 30, 2016

3491 - The stock market

I've mentioned to my broker that if Trump wins I want to get out of the stock market. Other people must be expressing concerns also. We just got a second letter from our broker trying to calm our fears of a lunatic in the White House. In the letter was this spreadsheet...

Although things turned around for Republican presidents second terms, things don't look good for their first term. That said, Trump is not a normal presidential candidate and I expect less than normal results should he be elected.

I think we do need another 4 years of Obama.


Bilbo said...

I'm voting for that giant meteor.

John A Hill said...

I moved my retirement money out of the stock market. I'll put it back after the election. If Trump would win (I don't expect him to, but moved the money to satisfy my wife), I'll put it back after the market bottoms out and ride the recovery wave.

allenwoodhaven said...

People may see Clinton (or Trump, for that matter) as the lesser of 2 evils and not want to vote,
but doesn't one always want less evil?!

Presidents get all sorts of credit, positive and negative, that has little to do with them. Correlation is not causation.