Wednesday, November 02, 2016

3494 - I can make it, no problem.

I'm sure everyone has seen at least one video of the 11 foot 8 inch bridge in Durham North Carolina. YouTube is filled with crashes at the underpass. Here is one of them.

This bridge is famous enough to have it's own Wikipedia page. There are 2 permanent cameras set up to catch the carnage.

What got me looking at this again was a PM article that has 21 crashes. It's a nice assortment of what goes on at the bridge.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

An error in judgment!

Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer said...

All of the other bridges must be envious!

allenwoodhaven said...

We have a underpass like that near here. I pass through frequently. I once watched a tractor trailer truck getting stuck that was ahead of me. It bent the steel of the railroad bridge, making a big dent that is still there. I was trapped in traffic for an hour. Some people need to pay better attention!

Mike said...

From Allen Woodhaven -

We have a underpass like that near here. I pass through frequently. I once watched a tractor trailer truck getting stuck that was ahead of me. It bent the steel of the railroad bridge, making a big dent that is still there. I was trapped in traffic for an hour. Some people need to pay better attention!

Allen - It's been a while since blogger zap your comment. Hopefully it's not starting all over again.