Monday, December 19, 2016

3541 - Electoral college

Here is a condensed but well written version of how the electoral college works from the NEW YORK TIMES. There's a lot more to it than you think.

For a more in depth explanation, if you have a little time to devote to reading, here is the WIKIPEDIA version. Charts and graphs and more more more.

And then if you haven't read enough, here's a PBS News Hour story on it.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

That's a nice, different way of looking at the Electoral College. I can't fathom about John Quincy Adams.

Cloudia said...

Thanks Mike. You are just my sort: smart enough to care about what matters, and smart enough to laugh and take it light too!
Thanks for another worthwhile post. Took too long, but I've added you to my blogroll at my place :)

Big Sky Heidi said...

A very interesting post !

Linda Kay said...

Amazing how smart our forefathers were in designing this! Have a special Christmas holiday with you and yours.