Friday, January 20, 2017

3573 - Passwords

Here's an interesting take on password strength.


I'm running into more websites that want you to...
Have one cap...
Have one number...
Have one special character...
No consecutive numbers...
No consecutive letters...
No keyboard series of letters...
More than 12 characters...
Two-factor authentication...

Oh and change it every month.

I knew a guy at the phone company that had so many passwords he kept a binder just for logons and passwords.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Oh, for the old passwords that were easy to remember.

John A Hill said...


9 characters, upper and lower case, symbols, number.
No, I don't use this one ... yet!

Mike said...

John - I've seen that password on 'don't use' lists before.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I don't have a binder but a 2 page doc. so easy when I could just use my difficult maiden name and birthday. Damn

Chuck the Grumpy Cat said...

I get bummed out with passwords.

Cloudia said...

a phrase! have a fave phrase and use the first (or last0 letter of each word. choose a pet number and spec character %^&*#@+