Monday, April 03, 2017

3646 - Puzzles

Are you a puzzle person. Have you seen this?

What's the first thing you do on a puzzle? Find the corners and the edge pieces. Not on this one.

I guess you could make your own puzzle like this by throwing away all the edge pieces of a regular puzzle.  Or even set the edge pieces aside and do them last.

And congrats to Allen yesterday. He found the lost dog in the word search puzzle.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Not having borders makes it so much harder.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

We do a lot of puzzles and we have a few with no edges. I can deal with that. But 5 extra pieces will drive me insane! It would be like when Rick puts something together and there are "extra" pieces.

Cloudia said...

My life is puzzle enough, Mike :)

allenwoodhaven said...

In a puzzle, no edges is tough but fair. Extra pieces are just mean and sadistic!