Thursday, April 06, 2017

3649 - Browsing history snoopers

I guess everyone has heard about the republicans reversing Obama's internet security order. Yep, republicans think it's just fine for your ISP to sell you browsing history.

What to do? Hey how about.... hey somebody did it already! Here's a fun site to go to and load your browser history at the ISP with random crap. 

What this does when you hit the "make some noise" button is open up 2-5 windows and starts searching random sites. It fills your ISP history and your local history up with junk. You can just leave it run on a second window. And if you're really bored you can watch what pops up.

I noticed when I looked at Google News that it was giving me some stories that were strange. Oh yeah, Google can't figure out where I am anymore.

There are some good sites to visit at the bottom of the page. I'd for gotten about Privacy Badger. I had it on my old computer. It's now on my new one.

And then if you haven't read enough about the subject, I found these other articles about protecting yourself.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Anyone who is in bed with Comcast deserves the boot! Per Huffy Post erticle.

Cloudia said...

Cool Thanks!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I thought that privacy badger prevented info from my web activities from being stored on my own pc, not from being collected by any sites I may visit. So I guess I'm wrong and need this privacy badger if it does indeed do what you say.
Is this better than AVG privacy fix ? Have you used that one? So much shit to deal with, I think I need an abacus and paper and pencil.

Mike said...

Peg - I don't know if it's better than AVG but the guy that wrote the noise program seems to think so. I already had an ad blocker running. Now I have two.

The https will make the big difference keeping your ISP seeing what you are getting or sending to a particular site. The ISP will know you went to the site, but won't know what you did at the site.

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

Why is a desire for privacy on the defensive?