Wednesday, April 26, 2017

3669 - Sleeeeep

Sleep comes when it's time. Are you someone that sees that it's 9PM and instantly falls asleep? That is NOT me. My brain knows it's not 2AM yet and we are NOT going to go to sleep. And it turns out there is a gene for that!

From the article...

~ In the journal Cell, researchers from the Rockefeller University recently reported that people who tend to stay up all night share one thing in common — mutations in a single gene, CRY1, which in its normal form encodes a key protein that keeps the body’s circadian clock running smoothly. ~

~  Their analysis began by looking at the genes of a single person with delayed sleep phase disorder, which they define as a condition where “sleep episodes are shifted to later times misaligned with the societal norm.” ~

You can read the whole article HERE. It's short. But next time someone asks me why I go to bed so late, I'll just say CRY1!


Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

So you're out dancing the night away are ya?

Chuck the Grumpy Cat said...

A night owl, eh?

Cloudia said...

I seem to outgrown mine and sleep early now!