Sunday, July 02, 2017

3736 - Nail on the head

I saw this and thought 50? How about 100? The rest of the meme is unchanged.

I do go through my t-shirts every once in awhile. They bring back lots of memories. And then go back in the closet.


Bilbo said...

I have t-shirts that I love that I will continue to wear until the rot and fall off my body. And I have other t-shirts that I only wear when I get down that far in the drawer because I was too lazy to do laundry.

allenwoodhaven said...

Absolutely! Eventually well worn and loved t-shirts go into semi-retirement, retirement, and then archive status.
I never want to get rid of any. So many memories of past years. Someone else will throw them out or turn them into rags after I'm dead and gone, but not until then!

Leroy said...

That's exactly it with me.

Cloudia said...

That'd about it.. we measure our life not in coffee spoons but T-shirts!