Monday, February 26, 2018

3975 - Ding Dongs

The other day I mentioned Ding Dongs. I thought I would post a picture of the box so some people wouldn't forget to look for them.
I got the picture from google images. While I was there I was looking around a saw a picture of ...


Now a new search will be on. I checked the Hostess website and they still exist. Now to find them!


Bilbo said...

Did you get a photo of an Avon lady when you Googled "ding dong?"

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

So it's a hostess cupcake with some coating over it. I loved hostess cupcakes but that coating looks like the stuff they put on Ho-Ho's and that was gross and plasticy. I'll stick to the hostess cupcakes with the white squiggly lines on top.

Mike said...

Peggy - That's why I put them in the refrigerator. The chocolate breaks up in pieces when it's cold.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Guilty pleasures are like that.

allenwoodhaven said...

I saw Ding Dongs in the store the other day after reading your post. Hadn't heard about the ice cream version. Will have to have one someday...

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

Ding Dongs, like Hostess cupcakes, are guilty pleasures/