Thursday, March 29, 2018

4006 - Be gone

It springtime. Time for some home brew.

Now the top of the paragraph says 'weed be gone'. But at the bottom it calls itself roundup and that it will kill anything it is sprayed on. That is not a weed killer, that's an everything killer.

But with the bad press roundup is getting recently (carcinogen), this might be a safer alternative. Vinegar, salt and soap.


Cloudia said...


John A Hill said...

I've used this mix and will say--
It doesn't work quite that fast, but it does work.
The soap isn't really necessary unless you have taller weeds and want the solution to stick to the leaves. Apparently it helps breakdown the cellular membrane to better enter through the leaves rather than the roots.
I wish more people would use fewer toxic chemicals as they all end up in our drinking water.

Bilbo said...

I'm with John. I use this mixture every year and it works like a champ. It isn't as fast working as advertised, but it does work well.