Thursday, April 19, 2018

4027 - Illusions

Two illusions today. Both of them do the same thing. They disappear when you stare at them long enough. The first one has a black dot to help you stare. Don't move your eyes.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

Really cool!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Okay - nothin'! could it be the bad eye? Or you're nuts?
I'm going with the latter.

Mike said...

OK Peggy, I tried it with one eye and it didn't work very well. And all my body parts are still working. :)

Dana said...

So what does it mean if the colors DON'T go away????

Mariette said...


Mike said...

Dana - You have to keep staring at them. Don't give up. I'll check back with you next week to see how things are going. :)