Tuesday, January 08, 2019

4292 - Police

Here's an ARTICLE about a guy that said not so nice things about the police on Facebook, so they arrested him. WHAT?!

Yep, it appears that about half the states have not civil but criminal laws on the books about defamation. Are you in one of them? I'm not!

Red states have laws. White states do not. Blue states had laws repealed. For the ARTICLE on the map, click the link.


MarkD60 said...

I remembr a few years ago, New York (I think) tweeted a request of friendly encounters with the police. People responded with an overwhelming number of videos showing police brutality. Backfired big time!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

WOW. I better be quiet.

Duckbutt said...

Defamation and criticism are not the same. Defamation involves false information.

Brian said...

Seems to be a correlation between defamation laws and voting propensity. Curious RED was selected to denote the defamation law states. Hmmmmmm