Monday, April 15, 2019

4389 - Turn signals

I was noticing yesterday that a lot of people weren't using their turn signals. Maybe I was just tuned into no turn signals but it did seem like there were more than usual.

And then as I was making a left turn on to another street at a 4 way flashing red light, I thought to my self, this guy coming from my right isn't slowing down. I stopped and watched him blow through the intersection like his light was flashing yellow instead of flashing red. Didn't even slow down or tap his brakes.


Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Ah, another of my pet peeves, those that don't use signals. We should be able to have a gun that shots rubber arrows that stick to their cars that say asshole and if a car gets 3 of these, he loses his license. Would that not be fun?

Cloudia said...

Defensive driving all the way! Luckily being a motorcyclist over 50 years makes this second nature

MarkD60 said...

In the Cayman Islands, few people use turn signals. People just swerving all over the place, like they're the only ones on the road. Sometimes they'll stop, nobody knows why, then, stopped, they'll turn on the signal and turn. Drives me nuts.

Cherdo said...

I was reading MarkD60's comment and it reminded me of the many geographical locales where I refuse to drive...Rome...Grenada...Naples...Livorno...the Cote d'Azur (feels like you're seconds away from a crash that will plunge you over the side of a mountain)...

Cherdo on the Flipside
Blogging from A-to-Z April Challenge

Grand Crapaud said...

Using turn signals should be an integral part of the loop involved in turning.

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

People who don't use turn signals are lazy.