Tuesday, October 22, 2019

4575 - Injecting junk

It's getting cooler. time for a new jacket.

From the website... "The patterns on the goods in this shop are designed to trigger Automated License Plate Readers, injecting junk data into the systems used by the State and its contractors to monitor and track civilians and their locations."

There are lots of items to pick from. Go HERE and buy one.


BootsandBraids said...

"Adversarial Fashion", I love it but looks like only skinny boney girls get to be adversarial. LOL.

Cloudia said...

I search for stuff that does not pertain to me in any way just to mess up the algorithms. Hide in plain sight my brother

Mike said...

Cloudia - Me too.

allenwoodhaven said...

I'd heard of these. Interesting! Will the government know who is on their website? It's hard to be too careful when you're deeply paranoid...