Wednesday, December 04, 2019

4618 - Clean desk? Not!

Here's an ARTICLE about how bad the clean desk policy is. I'm way ahead of the curve on this theory.

Why every office should scrap its clean desk policy

Snippets from the article.

The idea was to see how the office environment affected how much people got done, and how they felt about it, and the researchers experimented with four different office layouts.

Participants loved the empowered office and hated both the lean and disempowered ones.

Psychologist Robert Sommer repeatedly found that apparently trivial freedoms, such as the right to paint your own wall, help people define personal space, and make people happier and more productive.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Lack of individuality produces a sterile, cold, impersonal environment. Not conducive to anything but despair, really.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I have to say looking at this photo of cubicles makes me cringe.
If I had to work in that kind of environment I would never succeed. It's so depressing as well as feeling like veal.
Claustrophobic. I have never had an office job like that, Thank God. I have always worked in sales and from home and traveling. Once when I worked in reservations for an airline I was in an office environment but nothing like a cubicle thank goodness.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

That is a great summary of practical research!