Friday, December 13, 2019

4627 - Friday the 13th

It's been a while since I've done a Friday the 13th post. I have a link to Friday the 13th on the sidebar in case you need more info. Otherwise, here's some memes.

I have always thought this.

I don't have to worry about Mondays anymore.


And I liked it!


Kirk said...

When I think of all the bad things that has happened to me over the years, not a single one took place on Friday the 13.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

To pagans, Friday the 13th is a good day because it honours the Goddess (Friday is named for the Norse goddess Freya, and 13 is the sacred number of the Goddess because there are 13 months in a lunar year.) It's Christianity that demonized Friday the 13th in order to discredit and distance itself from its positive pagan connotations.

dellgirl said...

These are some good ones, I got a chuckle or two from some of them. Friday the 13th is a GOOD LUCK DAY since I was born on the 13th. And, it rolls around on Friday sometimes. Lucky ME!