Monday, February 24, 2020

4598 - Sneaky math

Well, I must have a high IQ because I figured it out. And since this is from the internet we know it must be true that you need a high IQ to figure it out.

Did you figure it out? No!? It's just sneaky math. OK, the answer is below.
8+2=10 16106
8-2=6    16106
8*2=16  16106

They all follow this pattern.


MarkD60 said...

My grade school math teachers are rolling over in their graves.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Clearly I do not have a high IQ.

John A Hill said...

Who has more free time -- the person that comes up with this stuff or the person that finds it on the internet?

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Amazing! I suck at math but saw the pattern right away. So I guess I'm a friggin' mensa. :-)

Noam Chomsky said...

Or the Pauline Hickey obsessed looney, you forgot about him ! ! !.

dellgirl said...

…Scratching my head on this one. For REAL! This is absolutely mind boggling! Thanks for sharing such confusing information. I guess my IQ is on the negative end of the charts. :)

allenwoodhaven said...

I'm generally bad at math but noticed the pattern almost right away. Goes to show there are different types of intelligence...