Tuesday, April 07, 2020

4742 - A change of pace

Let me take your mind off off Covid-19 for a minute.

Dutch Neurologist Warns of ‘Parkinson’s Pandemic’ Linked to Toxic Chemicals

That's the headline from this ARTICLE. My wife Claudia has Parkinson's.

From the article... “Parkinson’s is now the fastest-growing neurological condition on the planet.”
"Bloem, 53, points to the tight link between exposure to herbicides such as paraquat — a weed killer — and the risk of developing Parkinson’s."

The link to paraquat is a CDC link and has lots of info.

Also from the article... "Paraquat isn’t the only such chemical posing this risk. Trichloroethylene, a solvent used to clean metals and remove stains, has exactly the same effect on human brains."

Well, that not nice. As a telephone man, I used triclor all the time to clean equipment. No protective equipment for us! We were real men!

So get ready for the next pandemic. A man-made one.


Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

are we positive this one wasn't man-made?
I have never heard of these solvents but I am certain Rick would have. Great. Hard to imagine how I have survived 64 yrs thus far.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

We are just starting to find out all the adverse effects of chemicals and plastics that were invented and used in the post-war era.

Cloudia said...

Informative. Wishing you well, Mike

allenwoodhaven said...

Something to look forward too.....

I have a wild idea that humanity will be saved by aliens (from space). They'll say that they desperately need our plastics and toxic chemicals. If only!

Cop Car said...

Then, there was carbon tetrachloride, which I've (thankfully) not smelled in years.

MarkD60 said...

I used a lot of trichlor in my day too. Electronics...