Wednesday, June 03, 2020

4798 - The scourge

This could be a good thing but maybe not.

Problems have developed with peoples necks from being in a bent over position for extended periods of time. Also, eye strain has been reported from focusing at a fixed distance for extended periods. Where will all this lead? Blindness for children? How can we stop this scourge? Will this be the downfall of civilization?!


Elephant's Child said...

It most definitely is a good thing. However use of this device is certainly addictive. An addiction I cannot shake.

Mike said...

EC - There is help out there. But don't fall for the "I'll help you organize" trick. Be warned, they want you to throw all your books away.

Elephant's Child said...

Throwing my books away is not going to happen.

allenwoodhaven said...

Mike, is this an obscure and oblique reference to Shugi Terayama's bizarre 1970 cult oddity "Throw Away Your Books, Rally In The Streets" ?.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, and at one time it was thought that reading too many books (especially novels) was bad for female brains and could lead to damage. My grandmother was raised in Victorian times and she believed this too. She used to hide my library books when I was a kid.

Mike said...

AW - Nope, never heard about that. I'll have to look at that.

DSWS - Never heard about that either. How strange that sounds today.

Mike said...

EC - I forgot to mention, we have had an "organizer" come to our house one time. The first thing she zeroed in on was our books. "You need to get rid of these". She had a minion with her she was training (former client). The minion went up to the book cases and took a long sniff and said, "I love the smell of books".

The organizer realized we were a lost cause and never came back. I wonder how long the minion lasted.

dellgirl said...

Just when I thought I'd heard it all, NOW THIS! I still have books I had in high school. I'll never get rid of my books.

Richard said...

They are still useful. Sometimes you can find things in a book faster than on the internet. Also most of what they say is copied from books anyway. So no credibility. I think we should keep our books. Everytime i see one of these fake little books like politicians write, i skip it. You can talk to me again when this is over. I might be dead.

Mike said...

R - It will be a long time before everything in books is on the internet. I think the last thing I saw said 5% of books have been digitized.