Thursday, June 18, 2020

4813 - Take the public paywalls down

Here's a link to a resource that will become more useful over time. It's a site that is trying to get ALL the laws online.

There's a 20-minute video on the site.

Nope, no pictures here this time. There's more than enough to waste days on the site.


Elephant's Child said...

You should never, ever have to pay to find out what the law is. That is just plain silly (and dangerous).

Mike said...

EC - But oh so unfortunately true. Not all of them. But like the electrical code? Open that wallet.

Kirk said...

I didn't know you had to pay to find to find out what the law is. Sounds like a Steve Martin routine: "But Your Honor, I couldn't afford to know that robbing a bank was against the law!"

Debra She Who Seeks said...

All of Canada's statutes and regulations, both federal, provincial and territorial, are available for free on the internet.

Mike said...

K - Not all of them. But you would be surprised how many are behind paywalls.

DSWS - Are you reeeeeally sure?