Tuesday, July 07, 2020

4832 - Young people

I'm going to have to try this. 

This reminds me of the time I was in DC trying to find someplace. I had a map but still needed some help locating our destination. I stopped at a Quicktrip type gas station. Took my map inside and asked two young kids working there if they could help me locate my destination.

They didn't know anything about reading a map. They were totally clueless. It's like I was asking them how to do something from the previous century. Wait! I was.

This was before super smart phones and know it all cars.


Elephant's Child said...

And now you have made me feel old (which is probably fair enough). I like maps.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I just did a video about a millennials inability to read or fold a map, read an analog clock or know how to use the yellow pages.
I used to LOVE maps. I even have laminated maps. God I'm old.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

oops the videos are to go up at midnight tonight.

dellgirl said...

Gosh, guess this makes me older than dirt. Maps? Back in my day people got directions ONLY from asking somebody "how do I get to so-and-so"...

Debra She Who Seeks said...

We had a similar experience once on a trip with a gas station kid being unable to read a map. Guess they can't teach them EVERYTHING at school these days.

Mike said...

EC - That means I like you, you map person you!

MPP - You can still get state maps at the state visitor centers on the highways. Laminated maps? Are you trying to seduce me?

DG - That's what those kids tried to do with me. They want to tell me how to get where I wanted to go by fast food joint directions. Go down to the McDonalds...

DSWS - These kids were clueless. They wouldn't even look at my map.

MarkD60 said...

Kids can't read a clock with hands anymore. Can't drive a standard transmission.

Ami said...

I've always had a thing for maps. I love looking at them. I still have a bunch in a box from when we went on a vacation in 1996. No smartyphones then!

when I am at work, we often draw maps of things like the playground, how to get to school from our houses, how to get to other places from the school... hadn't thought about the fact that I'm teaching them a lost art.

Mike said...

MD - Sad but true.

A - One of these days a kid will need to read a map and remember you!

All of you - no one mentioned the chicken legs. I still haven't figured out if they are front or back.