Friday, July 10, 2020

4835 - Got a handwritten letter

We got this in the mail yesterday. If anyone wants to call, be my guest.

I have no idea who this is, but it is a real person. I wonder how many of these she sent out. I also wonder if somebody is screwing with her. Whatever it is, someone put in a lot of work depending on how many of these were sent out.

I had second thoughts about putting out her name and number. Just in case someone is messing with her.


Elephant's Child said...

In these uncertain times I am glad to hear of someone finding comfort - even if what supports them would not support me.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

oh my goodness. You should have called Mike. See if it was real.

Cloudia said...

Any sincere person has my respect. . . .

Mike said...

EC - But the main question is, why did she pick us?

MPP - I thought about it. But then went, nope.

C - I go back to the question, why did she pick us? In these days of scammers, I'm not going to call to find out. Too much of a risk.

MarkD60 said...

Maybe she's a famous fan of your blog!

MarkD60 said...

For one thing, it makes me feel like writing a letter.

Mike said...

MD - I'll send you her phone number and YOU can call her. And she does have neat penmanship, doesn't she?

Ole Phat Stu said...

People who write on lined paper have a need for strong guidance in their lives. Freedom is something else :-)

Mike said...

OPS - I'd never thought about that. I just googled 'people who write on lined paper'. Lots of info out there. Looks like blog material to me!

When I write on lined paper, I don't always stay in the lines depending on what I'm writing. Grocery lists? I try and stay in the lines so I can cram as much on one small notebook piece of paper that I can.