Monday, July 13, 2020

4838 - The mall

Funny saying on the cup...

But in a few years, your grandkids will be saying, "What was a mall?"

Be careful today. It's Friday the 13th AND a Monday. It's a really bad combination.


Elephant's Child said...

It is my (male) partner who is the shopper from this household.

Mike said...

EC - You're safe then. Guys don't buy unnecessary stuff. Right?

Elephant's Child said...

Of course you are right. And if you believe that I have a bridge for sale...

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

friday the 13th AND a monday - you're a hoot

Mike said...

EC - I'm looking for a place to put that bridge. I'll get back to you.

MPP - You have to be careful today.