Wednesday, July 15, 2020

4840 - White people protests

Here's a 'to the point' meme.

These are the same people that are complaining about people protesting the killing of black people. When they are trying to do the same thing. Just so long as the black people, while they are dying, serve them.


Elephant's Child said...

Not to mention the white men who are demanding that bars open, that gyms open - and that everywhere is scrupulously cleaned for them.
Sometimes it is hard to be proud of our species.

Mike said...

Ec - Very true.

Kirk said...

Looks like this situation is going to get worse before it gets better.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

This is the sense of entitlement in action.

Mike said...

K - I'm afraid so.

DSWS - Extreme entitlement.

Cloudia said...

Thank you for sharing this Mike it speaks well of you that you can ask these questions and think about these issues!

Mike said...

C - I don't know how much good it does but I try. :)