Thursday, July 30, 2020

4855 - Fill in the blanks

I got this. Hold on. I know the answer. Is this an R rated show? What time slot is this show running in? Are the kids in bed?

I knew what it was. Did you? No I didn't.


dellgirl said...

Aww-shucks, I thought I was doing something when I figured it out before reading the answer. Oh well...

Wishing you well. Stay Safe, my friend!

Ole Phat Stu said...

Wrong actually, but funny.
Wrong because the I in AIR should have been displayed too.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

OH Mike so Carla has visited you too. She left me 8 of the same on a bunch of posts. Yipee. More trolls.
No I have seen this before and still didn't remember it until I read it below. My mind is fithly apparently.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

My mind went straight to the gutter, of course.

Mike said...

DG - You did figure it out. The same one we all did!

OPS - Nice catch Stu. I missed that totally.

MPP - I too had seen it before and did remember the non-nasty answer.
And Carla, fake I'm sure, doesn't even have a website. So I turned her profile URK into the blogger spam site. Yesterday and today.
It would probably help if you turned her in also.

DSWS - I knew I liked you for some reason.

Cloudia said...

No. I went right to...

MarkD60 said...

the i has already been used..... So it would be in "air" too...

Mike said...

C - So did I.

MD - 'I' now know that. :)

Mike said...

OPS & MD - So wait a minute. The first thought that came to mind is the CORRECT ANSWER!