Wednesday, August 05, 2020

4861 - New housing

Here's a new(?) concept for building houses. 3D printing, with concrete. Maybe this is the solution for tornado alley and hurricane Florida.


Elephant's Child said...

Brilliant idea. And sadly one for which there is a crying need. World wide.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

did i miss costs? cool idea.

Mike said...

EC - With climate change, we could all be living in concrete houses.

MPP - I don't' remember them talking about cost. I'll be right back. ... ... ... Well, they cost more, they cost the same, they cost less. Pick one.

dellgirl said...

Ummm, this is interesting. Thank you for sharing it. Wishing you well. Stay Safe, my friend!

Mike said...

DG - Stay safe as well. There are other bugs out there besides COVID-19.

MarkD60 said...

Interesting, I wonder about the rebar.

Mike said...

MD - I thought about that also. I haven't dug too deep into this but I know there are other ways to build with concrete. There is a house down the street that was built with hollow foam blocks. Then rebar and concrete filled the voids in the blocks.