Wednesday, August 12, 2020

4869 - Electricity

 Who knew? I did. Being without electricity sucks. I'm finally back up after 36 hours out of service. 

A storm came through here Monday night. It left 100,000 people out of service. Our line only had 19 people on it out of service. So we were down the list for restoral. We were out from about 10pm Monday night to 10am today. 

We're going to let the refrigerator run for a little bit before we open it up and see how things faired in it. The ice in the ice maker was starting to melt and drip out the front. Maybe the ice saved some stuff. Maybe not. 

That's the update for today. I'm giving the fridge a couple of hours to cool back down before we open the door for any surprises. 


Elephant's Child said...

Electricity is relatively new, but how we rely on it.
I hope your surprises when you open the fridge door are pleasant ones.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Bummer, man. I hope all your food is okay.

Mike said...

EC - Nope. 75% of the stuff in the fridge is gone.

DSWS - Unfortunately no. Going shopping tonight.

allenwoodhaven said...

That's too bad. Hopefully nothing spoiled so fast it was able to jump out at you when you first opened it!

We were lucky the other week. Hundreds of thousands lost power but we kept ours.

Mike said...

AW - Up until this year, that was my luck. Everyone else got an outage except me. This year must be payback.