I saw this yesterday in a letter to the editor in one of our local (St. Louis) papers. I couldn't agree more...
To the editor:
The COVID-19 crisis has done a lot of harm, but I’ve also learned a lot from it. For example: I used to suspect that I was surrounded by people who didn’t care whether I lived or died, and now I know for sure.
Kxxx Mxxxxx’s Sept. 3 letter on mask wearing is a case in point. Public health experts have said a thousand times that wearing masks has less to do with protecting ourselves and more about protecting others. People know this; they just don’t care. If saving other people inconveniences them, other people are on their own, with a little “mouth-thong” mockery to boot.
I spent years hearing about “do unto others,” “love your neighbor as yourself,” and “whatsoever you do to the least of these, you do unto me,” but now that the rubber meets the road, none of it ever meant anything.
This was everyone’s chance to live their values, and it turned out their actual values were “I got mine.” Nobody in this town ever gets to talk to me about “pro-life” again; you don’t actually care.
Half the people in this country are vulnerable due to comorbidities. High blood pressure and obesity are risk factors. Do you not know anyone obese? Trust me, I’ve been driving around South County for a couple of years, and yes, you do.
All I ever expected from this community was basic concern for one another, and time and again during this pandemic all I have seen is snarky, defiant belligerence.
Sadly I think this letter could be posed in EVERY local newspaper. And probably should be - except that the ones who need it won't read it.
EC - Sad but true.
He ain't lyin'.
DSWS - You're right!
Amen. Unfortunately the bulk of people do take their cue from the tone of everyone else. Now the norm has been debased by the worst tragedy this country has ever faced. Self inflicted. Stay sane and VOTE!
C - I can't wait for this to be over. Although, there are some pretty good memes getting generated.
Wow. That is powerfully said!
AW - Agreed.
This is powerful and so true, I agree. The sad part about this whole thing is how the people who support tRump don't seem to "get-it" that he doesn't give a hoot about them. Do they think they are immune to this virus because he invites them to rallies and encourages them to stand shoulder-to-shoulder...without masks?!?!!!
Ok, enough already! Wishing you all the best! Stay Safe, my friend!
DG - The tRUMPers are nuts.
Most people aren't worth spit. That's just the sad reality of our world.
WSS - I'd go with 'some' people.
I shake my head at some of the things that are politicized. Climate change and public health come to mind. These are not Republican and Democrat issue but impact everyone on the entire planet.
LM - True, but the democrats are politicizing them to get them fixed. The republicans want to unfix everything so they can make some money on the chaos. The democrats will make some money also, but at least things will get fixed.
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