Monday, September 28, 2020

4917 - Vikings

Debra did a funny blog post about Vikings.

That same day(?), Bilbo had a punny Viking post on FB. I told Deb, but she doesn't do FB so I copied it and told her I'd make a post about this coincidence. Go see Deb's Vikings. Here's Bilbo's.

Do you get the pun? If not, I'll put the explanation in the comments.


Elephant's Child said...

Thank you for the link to Debra's post. I needed those smiles.
And yes, I am sufficiently numerate (which would surprise my family) to get and enjoy Bilbo's post.
Thank you for both - and I don't play FB either.

Mike said...

EC - Good for you on the math solve. It took me a little staring to finally get it.

Mike said...

And here's the solution to Bilbo's pun. VI(6) Kings, V(5) Kings, IV)4) Kings. A little roman numeral punology.

Mike said...

Loony John, why are you back? It was nice and peaceful for a while. (I just deleted a Loony John comment. One that took him a few minutes to type.) And I caught it 2 minutes after he posted it.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

math? really in the morning? I am math illiterate so this would have never come to me. This just hurts my pretty little head.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hahahahaha, that's a good one! Thanks for posting it so I could enjoy it!

Ole Phat Stu said...

FWIW : the word vík means inlet or cove, so Vikings were just people who lived around inlets or coves.

And about the Roman Numerology pun; the Romans had no symbol for zero, so you can only take the joke so far. The concept of Zero came from India, was adopted by Arabian numerals and so came to the west much later.

Mike said...

MPP - It was the last one (4) that it finally clicked for me.

DSWS - Too bad you didn't have this for your post.

OPS - Cove people sounds a lot less ominous than Vikings. And zero is really just a place holder. A blank space would work just as well. If there was a way to track all the blank spaces. I know, we could use a smiley face for zero! The more smiley faces after that 1 in my checking account, the happier I am.

allenwoodhaven said...

Excellent! My Latin classes pay off again...

Mike said...

AW - I nearly flunked spanish.