Monday, November 02, 2020

4952 - Improving your vision

Well isn't this interesting. If you're over 40, you can improve your vision by looking at cheap 670nm red light for 3 minutes a day.

"When eye tests were re-administered at the end of this period, participants over the age of 40 displayed significantly increased cone function, with an average improvement of 22 percent. This heightened color sensitivity was especially pronounced at the blue end of the spectrum, which was to be expected as this range of color vision is known to be particularly affected by mitochondrial decline."

Here are a couple of articles about what they found.

The second article is referred to in the first. There are more links from the second article.

So I checked online for red flashlights. It seems they have been around a long time. And there are red arthritis lights. You have to use special glasses with them. My guess is the power output is very important to pay attention to. And none of them I saw had any warnings about not looking at them. 

So it looks like I need to do a little more investigation into what kind of 670nm red lights you can point at your eye. 


Looney John said...

Red light eh, i`ll have to try that especially if my vision will be improved to the extent that it will make my collection of Pauline Hickey pictures from 1985 (almost 400 at last count) look even more impressive and amazing than they already do, cheers for telling me Mike.

Mike said...

LJ - Go back to bed!

Elephant's Child said...

Interesting. And yes my eyes could do with improving though I am not about to stare at red lights just yet.

Mike said...

EC - When I make sure I have the right light I think I'll try it.

Ol' Simmons said...

I hope you publish where we can get the right light

Bilbo said...

I'd try this, but I don't have a ruler that will measure in nanometers.

John A Hill said...

Each eye exam since I've retired has been better than the previous one. I pretty much only wear my glasses for driving or distance work now. And I haven't been looking into red lights.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

hmmm...I'm so desperate I'd try this.

Looney John (awakening from a 12 hour slumber, as you instructed) said...

Mike, why was my other com-girl-t deleted ?, it was quite hilarious ! ! !.

Mike said...

O - I'll try to remember to do that. That first article mentioned a light someone was selling.

B - I've got a 1000 nanometer ruler but I can't find it.

JH - So working in a dark room staring at a bright screen for years may have put your eyes in a holding pattern and now they are landing in the light.

MPP - Check the first article for someone that might be selling the right light. Amazon talks about 660 to 607 nm lights. I don't know how close to 670nm it should be to work.

Mike said...

LJ - Only for you and me.

Cloudia said...


Mike said...

C - Let me know if it works.