Tuesday, November 17, 2020

4968 - Chris Hedges and the fascist right-wing of the Christian church

Here's a meme I found on Leanna's blog.

This got me looking at Chris Hedges and I found an interesting YouTube video that was just made a few days ago. It's on RT but in looking at the links below the video RT seems to give time to both sides. Oh well, at least this is an interesting conversation about the fascist right-wing of the Christian church.


John A Hill said...

Interesting, indeed.

Mike said...

JH - Mel is a little hard to listen to for very long. But he has some good points.

Elephant's Child said...

That meme makes a heap of sense to my agnostic and probably atheist self. I wonder what arguments the devoutly religious right wing would counter it with?

Mike said...

EC - I'm sure they would come up with something off the wall. I think the meme is so on point.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Christian fascism is insidious and spreading.

Mike said...

DSWS - Yes, and it needs to be stopped.