Wednesday, December 23, 2020

5005 - One story leads to another

Progressive Eruptions had a post about a right-wing attack on the Oregon Capitol building and police yesterday. Here's that video story.

I'm putting the links below the videos in case some of them don't show up.

That lead to this video to find out who Lindsay Nadrich was. (video in link)

That lead me to this video about a very important topic. (video in link)

This was way to much work. Vimeo is not cooperative. 


Elephant's Child said...

How do you feel about the move?
I have never used them, and know many men who chose not to.

Ole Phat Stu said...

Trump now wants an airport named after himself.
Nothing against that,
as long as it's departures-only ;-)

Shaw Kenawe said...

Thanks for the link, Mike.

Ole Phat Stu, I'm with you!

Mike said...

EC - I see guys that go in the stalls to pee. They typically don't pick the seat up. Then they don't wash their hands when they come out. I want to remind them that they touched the door handle inside the stall but know it wouldn't do any good to tell them.

OPS - I don't know if I could ever use an airport with his name. Someone posted a picture of a small abandoned airport that would perfectly reflect his term in office. (Notice I didn't say presidency. It would be hard to call it that.)

SK - It was a lot to watch to get to the funny part. Thanks for hanging in there.

Kirk said...

Home urinals never seem to have caught on. You only see them in public restrooms.

Mike said...

K - I don't think I could do one of those in my house.