Friday, February 12, 2021

5056 - Wordy memes 5


I had to update this one.

It took a minute to figure out what words I chopped off.

We need to keep working on this thought.

Coded message (lie) Uncoded message (truth)

Statues for the Black History Museum.

We're number ONE! ... crap...

It's my goal in life.

Free from...

A week of wordy memes! And I didn't even cut my blog folder in half.


Elephant's Child said...

Sadly my country is pretty good on those coded messages too. I suspect most countries have at least a few of them.

Mike said...

Sue - Most radical right wingers are.

LJ said...

Mike, on one of those lists, the one about what American kids learned from President Trump, i would agree that they are all negatives that encourage kids to be like Mike Tyson instead of Mother Theresa. The only one that i kind-of semi-disagree with and that i wouldn`t necessarily class as a total negative (at least not from the average Americans perspective or view-point anyway) is "America is the only country in the world" because its specifically that attitude that Americans have had with regards to their own country being the be-all-end-all of civilization and the rest of the world being (relatively speaking) nothing or invisible by comparison for the last 245 years that has made America great and allowed them to be the first country to aquire nuclear weapons (something which saved the entire world, by the way ! ! !). So maybe it`ll always be to Americas advantage if each subsequent generation continues to believe that America is indeed "The only country in the world" simply to guarantee that they retain their strength and power and status on the world stage, but like i said all the other phrases on that list are appalling negatives that have no place in a country like America.

LJ said...

And with regards to the only thing that i think is a good thing on the "What America leads In" list, its "Military Spending", because keep in mind thats what keeps us safe from scum like North Korea, and from the liars and hypocrites and cowards and deceivers who unfortunately run Saudi Arabia. But i fully agree the other nine items are indeed abominations that should not be polluting and plaguing America at all.

LJ said...

And on a lighter note Mike, i`m not sure exactly why but i`ve always thought that the definition of the word "LIBERAL" was: 'Any gorgeous sexy 30 year-old bird who looks like an exact carbon-copy/clone/replica of Jane Fonda circa 1968 ! ! !'. Mike, you probably know more about politics than me so maybe you might have some theory about why i define "LIBERAL" in that way.

LJ said...

At least they`re still Lemoms, not grenades, be thankful. BTW, King Georges statue was destroyed because he represented Britain and the past, where-as even 240 years ago Americans already knew that Americas future was Elvis Presley and Bill Gates and Barbra Streisand and Jennifer Lawrence ! ! !.

balanced a.f. said...

Oh my god, the 2nd and 8th ones are absolutely priceless, thought these are all fantastic!

Mike said...

LJ - I'm going to have to analyze all those later.

Balanced - Especially #8.

LJ said...

Cheers Mike, i put a lot of thought into those com-girl-ts, it'd be good to know whether you agree with them.

Bilbo said...

Please don't mention Lindsey Graham. I'm tired of cleaning vomit from my keyboard.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

America, You're Number One! You're Number One! That's quite a list.

Mike said...

Bill - I know I know I know!!!

Deb - I don't see anything coming off that list any time soon.

Mike said...

LJ1 - The "America is the only country in the world" is typically seen on TV when the media is covering right-wing events. Most Americans don't have that attitude. But they are not newsworthy.

LJ2 - "Military Spending" is money that is directed to the political districts of the party in power at the time. One bad example is the new F35 single engine fighter jets. Some politician decided that each jet needed a spare engine at a cost of billions of dollars. The military didn't want them. They got them anyway.

LJ3 - Your definition of "LIBERAL" is very "LIBERAL".

LJ4 - And Jenifer Lopez.

LJ said...

All very good response's Mike, cheers for taking the time to reply. BTW, when you first saw Barbarella (1968) did you feel cheated by the fact that although Jane Fonda seemed to spend the whole movie taking her clothes off we ultimately never really got to see her completely naked specifically because of Roger Vadims crafty and sneaky camerawork. I sat there like a mug for 100 minutes desperately wanting to see a glimpse of Janes bum, twat, and arse because i was videoing it on my old VHS player and those few mo-girl-ts would`ve lasted for hours afterwards in the freeze-frame mode (with surprisingly good picture quality on the still frame, pretty good but admittedly rather basic frame-by-frame slow-motion, and no irritating two-minute automatic cut-off to supposedly protect the tape from damage ! ! !), but those mo-girl-ts never arrived, except for one mo-girl-t at he beginning of the film when the (supposedly) naked Jane walked away towards the rear!!! of the spaceship for about one second with her stunning arse in full view, i was able to jerk-off to those few frames a few times but then i started to wonder more and more if it was maybe a body-double (albeit one with an admittedly incredible arse), so i still ultimately felt cheated. Film-makers like Roger Vadim are such con-artists and hyopcrites and tricksters.