Tuesday, February 23, 2021

5067 - Plastic bricks

No not legos. Real bricks that are made from plastic waste. (2:25)

That was the short version. If you want to see the longer version(s), here are some more URLs.

There are a lot more videos. Why do we have a plastic waste problem?


Elephant's Child said...

What a brilliant young woman. I hope her idea takes off - world wide. And that she gets the credit and a share of the profit.

Mike said...

Sue - Especially a share of the profits. A majority share.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Super! She's a real go-getter!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Why aren't we all doing this? I love this woman!

Kathy G said...

I hope her idea takes off, too. Then I wouldn't feel guilty every time I bought something wrapped in plastic.

John A Hill said...

A trip to the recycling center is on the do-list for today!

Mike said...

Deb - She's going to need all the go-getting she can get.

Peg - I thought the same thing. The other videos show that other people are getting into this.

Kathy - It looks like she has a good start.

John - We have curbside single-stream recycling. But sometimes I wonder where it really goes once it's picked up.

Shaw Kenawe said...

This is so encouraging. I wish her and others motivated like her success!

Mike said...

Shaw - Now she just needs to figure out how to collect the pacific ocean plastic patch.

Cloudia said...


Mike said...

Cloudia - PLastic bricks might save us.

Tom said...

...now that's cool!

Mike said...

Tom - We need to get the whole world working on it.