Tuesday, March 23, 2021

5095 - Spring sprung

Spring has sprung. My Magnolia has popped. No freezes predicted coming up so it may last a couple of weeks. In the past, I've been known to build some fires underneath it if freezes were predicted. That was in the old days. Now it's like, I sure hope it doesn't freeze.

Some bad cut and paste here to hide the garage doors and the neighbors' house.

A close up.


Elephant's Child said...

A beautiful thing. I envy you. I have tried several times to plant magnolias but the vandal birds have torn them apart.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Gorgeous. The cherry blossom will be next.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

So beautiful! And hey, thanks for that link about Red Green you left in my comments yesterday!

John A Hill said...

Chris would like a magnolia tree, so I see one in our future.

Kathy G said...

I love magnolia blossoms! Yours are beautiful.

Mike said...

Sue - I'd never heard of bird problems with trees like that. Vandal birds must be a pain.

Peg - Our forsythia has popped too.

Deb - I found out more about Red Green yesterday than I ever wanted to know.

John - There are lots of varieties. I'm not sure what mine is. When I find one with pictures like mine they call it a saucer magnolia. But they say its leaves are 10 inches across. I don't think mine are near that big. Now I'm going to have to go out and measure them.

Kathy - The tree was here when we moved in 44 years ago. It's just gotten bigger and bigger.

Mr. Shife said...

Looking good, Mike. I keep thinking no more freezes here but then I wake up to snow this morning.

Mike said...

Matt - I hope there's no surprises like that here.

Tundra Bunny said...

Your magnolias are lovely! I had no idea they grew into such large trees -- for some reason, I thought they were more along the lines of large lilac bushes! Do magnolias bloom several times each season or just once?

Mike said...

TB - Mine just blooms in the spring. It lasts a couple of weeks unless we have a freeze and then the blooms get zapped. There are lots of different magnolias. Check google. Our tree was already here when we moved in 44 years ago. It's gotten twice as big, but it's a slow grower.