Monday, May 17, 2021

5150 - Monday no themememes

You can't tell me that's not a boat!

Yard patrol.

Bilbo snuck this in before me. I'm using it anyway.

I may just go into the women's restroom.

This just cracked me up. It's an LOLer.

Yep, all you can eat.

I thought this might be instructions.

A special ring for your favorite conservative uncle.

The picture is self-explanatory. You did understand it, right?


Elephant's Child said...

Perhaps St Andrews needs to rethink their curriculum if so many students are bored...

Mike said...

Sue - I saw that and thought what did I miss out on in high school.

Bilbo said...

You're welcome.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Love the dog patrol one and the placement of the men's room handle!

Mike said...

Bill - I had it first! I had it first!

Deb - I'd have to use a paper towel on the handle going INTO the restroom.

LJ said...

WOW...WEY-HEY...BTW Mike, that boat one in the ocean sure had me fooled, it is brilliant. And the dog one, the opticians one, the baby driving a car one, the door-handle-knob one, and the wazzing one, were all quite funny. The only 2 i didn`t understand were the Kaka one, and the Joe Biden ring one, maybe you could explain them, cheers.

Mike said...

LJ- Kaka is a slang word for Poop. And the Biden one, our electrical outlets are different than British outlets. So basically the ring is a short circuit for an electrical outlet.

Kathy G said...

I wonder what the women's restroom door looks like?

LJ said...

Cheers Mike, but what happened to the best bit of the com-girl-t revolving around Pauline Hickey ?.

Mike said...

Kathy - That would be interesting to find out. But the more I looked at that picture, the more I wondered if the guy painting it was having a bad day. Or was just being funny. It looks like something I would do just for fun. :)

LJ - I made it disappear. BTW, did you go sit in a corner?

Lady M said...

Ha - love that little dog with the turkey leg and what a brilliant idea!

Mike said...

Lady M - I don't know how long that leg would stay in one piece. It's a wonder they got the dog to sit still for the picture.