Wednesday, June 16, 2021

5180 - Wednesday no themememes

I wonder if they will ever figure it out?

WAIT! They're starting to shut the power off again.

Don't you go confusing me with facts!



Think about poor auntie.

Lots of info to back this up. Try and get them to believe it. 

I found this meme before lumber prices started to rise. It might be cheaper now to have original factory parts put back on.


Elephant's Child said...

But is the gun in the third cartoon firing blanks...?

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

boy I love the abortion one!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That last one is very clever, LOL!

LJ said...

In the last one, the painting one, i could never understand why the geezer wot dun the painting depicted the bird on the right as being so ludicrously unattractive ?.

Mike said...

Sue - Even if it is the recoil is going to hurt.

Peg - What?! You're taking facts over opinion? What's this world coming to?!

Deb - It does make it seem like they are looking at you doesn't it?

LJ - Maybe it was his kid.

allenwoodhaven said...

Good ones., especially the last one. Thanks for the smiles.

Kathy G said...

That Lowe's car could do double duty as a buffet line.

Mike said...

Allen - Did you smile for your meme appearance in the last one?

Kathy - I just saw on TV where lumber prices have dropped 40% but still aren't back to normal. So the wooden buffet car just got a little more affordable.

Bilbo said...

If the USA was a car. Perfect!

Mike said...

Bill - The meme was more fun than a graph.