Tuesday, June 22, 2021

5186 - Tuesday no themememes


This is like the WWII Kilroy was here original meme.

Walk This Way” by Aerosmith

We don't need no stinkin' oxygen.

I asked for one thing for fathers day. But did I get it? 

Your foreign language lesson for the day. 

I was going to break this apart. Na. That's me on the left. That's NOT me on the right.

Says it ALL!


Elephant's Child said...

The last one is frequently true of me.
Which ought to shame me but doesn't (often).

Mike said...

Sue - I'll leave to do an errand and come right back.

LJ said...

The one with the two gorgeous sexy 18 year-old sex-pots looking at the old geezer in the store should be shown to literally every 75 year-old geezer in the world because it would give them all hope that they could still pull a gorgeous sexy 18 year-old lust-pot ! ! !.

Bilbo said...

I used to like most people, but every day that last meme gets more and more accurate. And that foreign language lesson rocks!

Ole phat stu said...

Took me a while to get the Spanish Thankyou joke because I thought it was hair not grass.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hahahahaha, these are all great, Mike!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I'm with Westbank Trey!
Shook Me All Night Long -AC/DC on those speakers.

Mike said...

LJ - If only a t-shirt would magically work like that.

Bill - Both of those memes could be supplemented with the phrase "Get off my lawn!"

Stu - It took me a minute also. I was going to switch the picture and the text. I think that would have flowed better. But, I didn't.

Deb - That stud finder is still stuck to my chest. It doesn't want to let go of me.

Peg - You had me looking for Westbank Trey. I hadn't noticed his name and I'm thinking what is she talking about! :)
And there are SO many songs. I was also thinking about the opening rif for Ozzie Ozborns Crazy Train.

Mr. Shife said...

Can confirm on the first meme and I loved the foreign language lesson of the day.

Mike said...

Matt - eres bienvenido