Thursday, July 01, 2021

5195 - I can guess that song in zero notes

Guess the song. If you listen to all of them, how many are too many for one post? One? Here are three.


Chuck Pergiel said...


Bohemian said...

Those are good!

Elephant's Child said...

The Eurythmics are part of my youth.

Bilbo said...

Where would be be without the fun of laughing at mondegreens?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good ones, but of course groan-inducing too!

Mike said...

Chuck - Eggsactly.

Dawn - I've got lots more.

Sue - I never did disagree.

Bill - I may have mentioned this before about my most disappointing mondegreen. Aerosmiths' Dude (looks like a lady). For the longest time (forever) I thought they were singing 'Do the lucky lady'. Needless to say, the real words changed the meaning of the song for me considerably. That's what I get for not listening to the words.

Deb - A good groan clears the (insert favorite) passages for the day.

Bohemian said...

Just had to come by and Thank you for showing me the link to the Wayback Machine, interesting and waaaaay over my Head, I'm so Tech challenged, but I'm sure my Tech Guru Grandson would find it more fascinating. Apparently 2017 was a Year that spiked a lot of whatever it is those graphs show? *LOL* I think it was about 2011 when I began Blogging, I always gauge it by how Old my Grandson was when he set it up for me {9} and how Old he will be this August {21}, I wouldn't even know what a Blog was if it were not for Genius Boy introducing me to it and thinking it would be something Gramma would dig. Friends who spent a Fortune on their Biz Blog Setups were duly impressed that a 9 year old did a better job for Free for his Gramma! *Ha ha ha* Of coarse, by the time he was 10 he was hacking, and didn't understand the implications, so he learned the hard way it's not just a Game... these Kids often are so brilliant at this they don't realize that.

Mike said...

Dawn - I double-checked the Wayback machine. The earliest post it has of yours is from April 30th, 2011. But, you had a blog archive set up back then. It shows you did 251 posts in 2010. And what's funny (I do think) is the April 30th post was some pictures and 6 words. SIX words. SIX! :)

Cloudia said...

I love spontaneous wordplay all day long, Mike!

Mike said...

Cloudia - I have more!