Wednesday, July 21, 2021

5215 - Trees 5

My collection of trees is getting bigger. I've got to release some to the world.


Kirk said...

A house surrounded by trees is a lovely thing to behold, but not necessarily practical, as trees don't always stay in an upright position, especially after a storm or even a big wind on an otherwise calm day. I know of what I speak, because I lived for about 25 years in a house surrounded by trees. The first 20 years the trees behaved themselves, then they started acting up.

Elephant's Child said...

Too many trees would be barely enough. I love them. Thank you.

Mike said...

Kirk - I've been in my house for 45 years. I have many 50 to 75 foot trees. They are all still hanging in there. It's the smaller trees that die. I cut them down and replant. I'm waiting for 10 new trees to show up from the arbor association. They sent me 20 last year and the deer ate them all. I'll have to post an aerial of my lot and identify all of what I have. And I have about 20 stumps that need removal. I need my own stump grinder.

Sue - More to come.

Veronica Lee said...

I enjoyed your collection of trees, Mike.

Now that really is a bigass tree!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

When I saw that last photo, I thought those were supposed to be trees too. But apparently they are meant to represent lungs.

Kathy G said...

The one in the canyon looks like a pipe cleaner.

Mike said...

Veronica - My favorite kind of tree.

Deb - The roots, reaching for nourishment.

Kathy - It looks like photoshop but supposedly isn't.

John A Hill said...

I think the last one s supposed to be lungs, not trees.
But thanks for posting it anyway!

Mike said...

John - Lungs/trees? ... we need to the root of the problem.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I love trees too. I live in the city and have one tree on my street. :(

But there are others in other parts of my neighborhood, and there's the beautiful Rose Kennedy Greenway I can enjoy.

allenwoodhaven said...

Dendrophile? Now I know what I am!! Wonderful collection; keep 'em coming! Would love to live in that little house...

Unfortunately, our townhome association recently took down a lot of big trees, citing disease or danger if they fell. Many trees needed attention but few needed to come down. I was able to get the one just outside my back patio off the removal list after it was marked but they still were going to cut it down until my wife stopped them. We're lucky she was home!

Cloudia said...

Honored to be included in that great collection! Check me tomorrow I've got another biggie coming up

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Some of these just don't look real. But all gorgeous except for the tree on the woman's chest.

Mike said...

Shaw - One tree? I'd be spending more time in the Rose Kennedy Greenway. That's if I ever came out of my basement.

Allen - "townhome association" There was a news segment on them last night as to what a pain in the butt they can be.

Cloudia - Keep them coming.

Mike said...

Peg - Be careful what you say about her. With that much gold bling hanging from her neck she's probably in a gang.