Friday, July 23, 2021

5217 - 2i + 1p

Two illusions and a puzzle.

Number 2, but also number 1.

Lots of people have found the car including me. 
It's in there.

The car location is below.


Elephant's Child said...

The first illusion took a little - but I got there.
I saw the hole first and then the haybale.
No car. Yet.

Cloudia said...

Good first two! I'm not looking any longer for that damn car!

Kathy G said...

I assume the title for the second one should be 'alcohol test'. It's annoying when people ruin a good meme with misspellings. Or is that part of the test?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good ones!

Mike said...

Sue - Answer tomorrow.

Cloudia - Answer tomorrow.

Kathy - I noticed that after I posted it. I could have gone back and... naaa.

Deb - You found the car!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

WEll I am confused. I stopped looking for that damn car. I saw the hay stack first. But the first one looks like someone is facing her because the hair is different. But I have no clue. Thank you for making me feel stupid.

Mike said...

Peg - I think the two girls, and I'm assuming it's two girls, are twins, and someone set up the photo at just the right angle. I think the person taking the picture is just to the right of the girl in the mirror.

I'll give a few more people a chance to find the car. I'll post the location along with the jokes tonight. It took me a while to find it myself. And to make everyone feel bad it's not really hidden at all.

allenwoodhaven said...

Clever camera set up fr those two girls. Might be twins or the start of a horror movie. You have to be careful with magic mirrors! Saw the hole first then the hay bale. An as I was about to give up on the car, I spotted it. That's a tough one!

Mike said...

Allen - Thanks for spotting the car so people don't think I'm messing with them. Not that I would do something like that! ... Very often.