Tuesday, August 10, 2021

5235 - Obsolete... or not

I still use a few things on this list of supposed obsolete items.

I still use; A, B, C, G, K, L, M, N, and Z. And I wanted to add a few more but the choices were iffy.

If you're in Missouri, today is Missouri's 200th anniversary of admission to the Union. 


Elephant's Child said...

I still use a number of those things too - but perhaps I am obsolete.

Kirk said...

A (for digital signals), B, C (not that you can read my chicken-scratch), D (Merriam-Webster paperback), G, I (if we're counting ballpoint pens), K, M (assuming printing out a map from the internet is the same thing), N, Q, Z.

Some of these are iffy for me, too. For instance, I still have a VCR, but it's been forever since I played anything on it. Is xeroxing a generic term for copying, or reference to the actual Xerox company? Anyway, I've copied things from a computer. I own a wrist watch but rarely wear it. I still have a yellow pages but rarely use it. Do I still use privacy? Well, I don't invite people into the bathroom with me.

Mike said...

Kirk - The VCR is a good example of an iffy. I keep mine because one day I'm going to copy all my old family VCR tapes to disc. One day.

Bilbo said...

I still use B, C, D, E, G, I, K, L, N, O, and Z. I use V in the iffy way you do. I hope for P and Q without much confidence. And since when can you claim C ... I thought you'd subcontracted all that to Claudia. Oh, wait ... she's the C! Never mind.

Ol' Simmons said...

Just B and Z. I go to half-priced books weekly (I'll never get rid of my books) and the HOA for my condo requires a mailed check...the only check I write and my only reason to have stamps. I've often thought of selling it just to eliminate this ludicrous task. Simplify, simplify, simplify...the three keys to an enjoyable retirement.

MarkD60 said...

I use several on the list. Happy birthday Missouri!

Mike said...

Bill - She's 99% of C. I still sign a few checks.

Simmons - You should use Young Simmons as a moniker. You've almost completely converted to the digital life.

Mark - You can still make it back here for the birthday party!

Mr. Shife said...

I still use A, B, C and G. We used a lot of A to watch the Olympics. Congrats, Missouri. My card is in the mail. Take care and have a great rest of your week, Mike.

Cloudia said...

Happy anniversary Missouri! I really enjoy your knowledge about 20th century technology, Mike. Seriously I often think about what you would say about something I see

Kathy G said...

I hope you had a happy Bicentennial Day.

Mike said...

Matt - You're fading away from the old grid. Hang in there.

Cloudia - You come up with some interesting stuff.

Kathy - If you hadn't mentioned it on your blog I would have never known about it. It received sparse coverage if any on the news stations.

Veronica Lee said...

I still subscribe to a real newspaper!

Happy Wednesday, Mike!

Mike said...

Veronica - I get our local one in the mail for free. I subscribe digitally to our area-wide paper (news source).

Susan Kane said...

Some of these went way back for me. Heck, I still use a whole bunch of them, so would they be considered obsolete?

Susan Kane said...

I like to hold the paper, hear the rustle of it.

Missyouree is beautiful. I grew up in that whole area of Louisiana, MO, across the bridge to Pike County, IL, down the river from Hannibal, MO. It is a beautiful place to go, esp. in the Fall.

Mike said...

Susan - I'm sure a 20 something made up this list.

When we go to visit my wife's relatives near Dallas City Il, sometimes we cross at that bridge. I like to take different routes going up there.