Thursday, September 02, 2021

5258 - Thursday no themememes

It won't be the last time.

This is why I save all the old power supplies. You know, the ones that won't fit this.

Halloween is coming up. Get working on these.

I'm ready to send this to a favorite female.

No wonder I loved to build models when I was a kid.

I need one of these McDonald's t-shirts.


Kirk said...

That last picture. I'm surprised such a shirt comes in junior size.

Mike said...

Kirk - He's probably big for his age.

Elephant's Child said...

Love those yard ghosts.
Nice to know that I am not disturbed on my own.

Bilbo said...

Blasfemurs ... classic!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Blasfemurs -- GROAN!

Mike said...

Sue - How many are you going to make for Halloween?

Bill - I agree!

Deb - But Bill says it's a classic!

Shaw Kenawe said...

I want to know where that kid got that t-shirt!

Mike said...

Shaw -

John A Hill said...

Maybe the McDs kid's sister can wear the It ain't gonna lick itself t-shirt to school.

Kathy G said...

A bunch of good ones today.

Mike said...

John - I think I only held back 94% today.

Kathy - Yes indeed!

Bohemian said...

Okay, so the Kid in the Lovin' It Shirt is funny, yet, not believable since his Parents had to buy that for him and I doubt they thought it to be a Golden Arches shirt...funny it comes in Kid sizes tho', since that Boy looks small!

Mike said...

Dawn - You're thinking of your parents or you as a parent. This kid could live in a trailer park with his dad who probably has a shirt just like it. :)