Thursday, October 28, 2021

5314 - Thursday jokes

These are jokes that are in memes that I'm too lazy to type out.

This would get two memes from yesterday. The spelling(grammar) one and the flat earth one.

Make sure before you act.

Smartypants ending.

Sing along...

I have more.


Elephant's Child said...

I guessed the smartypants ending. I do think that forcing children to go to viewings is cruel though.
I have several earworms fighting for supremacy at the moment. And I am not thanking you for them (funny though they are).

Mike said...

Sue - Cure the earworms. Start playing a favorite song on youtube on loop.

Bilbo said...

You have more? Who'da thunk it?

Country Cottage said...

Please make me stop singing Willie Nelson 'on the commode again'🤐😄

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hey, I know all those songs, LOL!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Ah the twin!

John A Hill said...

Jokes about old people aren't as funny as they used to be.

MarkD60 said...

The lazy one cracked me up big time!

Kathy G said...

The Assisted Living center one cracked me up!

Mr. Shife said...

OMG on the flat Earth one. I know they are out there but it still boggles the mind.

Mike said...

Bill - And they're starting to clog up my directory just like the trees!

CC - A for sure trick to get rid of an earworm is to sing it out loud.

Deb - Don't we all. :(

Peggy - I can't think of ever running into that situation.

John - You gotta laugh or you'll start crying.

Mark - Don't you love when something hits your funny bone just right?

Kathy - Yes. I did not see that coming at all.

Matt - Go back to my previous post for my flat earth response.