I hope you can blow this up big enough to read it. With all the talk of people quitting their jobs, no one ever talks about why they quit. Below is a back and forth between a worker and a dumb ass "I'm in charge and your not" supervisor. The supervisor learned a lesson the hard way.
Just When I Thought I Was Out
40 minutes ago
I have known more than one supervisor cloned from that one.
Me too, what Elephant's Child said. But every dog has it's day, something crazy egotistical bosses seem to have not yet learned.
Sue - I've had more than one too.
Shirley - They're going to have to learn quick.
I'd seen this before. A management lesson that will never be learned.
Some supervisors are definitely on a power trip.
Work a few decades in the FAA and you'll see plenty of this mentality in supervisory roles.
Bill - I'm afraid you're right.
Kathy - Sad but true.
John - And the phone company.
I've been very lucky not to have ever had a boss like this, and I don't take it for granted. I'd hate to have to put up with this kind of thing. I don't blame folks for quitting.
Jenny - Consider yourself VERY lucky.
VR - Agreed.
I have had a supervisor or two like that in my life. Power goes to the heads and they become giant turds.
Matt - Me too.
Hope the guy found a new job easily. Certainly shouldn't be hard to find a better one!
Wouldn't it be nice the supervisor had to work that shift? Wonder what his productivity would be.
And we don't have a worker problem. We have an adequately paid and respectfully treated job shortage...
Allen - It would be funny if he had to cover that shift. And then have his productivity tracked.
we have a pandemic, we've had an orange dictator, we've had enough, I understand why people are quitting. Last straw! I've had these types be my leaders. Nothing better than to leave and see them squirm.
Oh that felt great! I certainly hope the jackass's Masters appreciate his ego driven b*******
Thanks for putting that into my head!
Really enjoying the Lucy like image!
Cloudia - I've been retired so long that if I went back to work I could see myself doing that on the first day.
Cloudia2 - What Lucy like image?
Peg - Totally agree.
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